Saturday, December 11, 2010

christmas 2010 | potluck dinner.

hi girls!

i'm adding us all as admins so whenever we post from our own blogger account it will say posted by: stephanie, jenny, etc. - whoever the author of the post was! as you all know our annual dinner is this friday, the 17th! i'm so excited to see you all and i'm excited we've invited some more guests!! the more the merrier! :)

be thinking about what you're going to bring! we need appetizers, side dishes, real food (lol), and dessert! and everyone bring something to drink to share! alcoholic or not, up to you!

i love you all so much & i'm so thankful you're still such a huge part of my life! i'm so lucky! :)

jenny - we will miss you terribly, and hopefully we can schedule a skype date for the evening!! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

love you.

it was so good to see everyone at dinner last night! wish you could have been there jenny! it was nice to see haley & brock! its so weird that everyone is all over the place! soon to be all over the world!!! (jenny) haha but i love you guys so, so, much & can't thank god enough for bringing you into my life! :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


hey girls!

i'm not sure if any of you even read this lol but its fun for me to do in class! i was just seeing who all was going to dinner? i'm pretty sure lindz, casey, stacie, and alicia are all going. so hopefully you're coming jennifer! love you girls & can't wait to see y'all tonight!

steph :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

the list.

dec 19th
toe touches + kitchen floor + socks = stace & steph falling on their asses!
does anyone remember anything else stupid we did?? :)

jan 3rd
"i feel like i can walk through anything in these". -stace
"yeah, its like havin' 4-wheel drive on your feet". -steph
"if my moon boot partner can't drink, i aint drinkin' either". -steph

jan 12th
dinner at tj chumps to see haley & brock!

Friday, January 8, 2010

happy new year.

happy new years girls! i can't believe its twenty-ten! that is crazy!

i just wanted to wish you girls a happy new year and put a picture up from our christmas dinner! wish you could have been there casey! as we all know jenny is leaving in a few short months (march 23rd to be exact) so many more get-togethers will be planned! love you girls!

christmas 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas.

hi girls! hope everyone has a wonderful day with their families! i love you all so much! we need to plan a get together in january! merry christmas! xoxo

-Steph :)

ps. does anyone remember funny things that we're said last saturday? we need to make a list of that! haha

Friday, December 11, 2009

you are friends worth having.

Well hello ladies. If you're reading this it's probably 12.19.09 & we're back from our Christmas Dinner. I know we talked about making another one of our famous lists so I thought I'd give us a head start & set up a blog for us to do it! I also went and found our old xanga & posted it on here for a few good laughs.

on a serious note..
We have had some wonderful, amazing times & all of you mean so much to me. I won't get too sappy but I just wanted you to know how special I feel to have friends as great as you all are. As we all know Jenny will be leaving us in a few short months so this is our last Christmas (for a few years) with all of us around. Although at first this was a scary and sad thought for me, those feelings have taken a back seat. It's only a plane ride away & it's a great opportunity for the both of you.

i also know..
We are the kind of friends that know no distance or time. I know no matter where life takes, (even if its Japan) we will always be there for each other and be able to count on one another.

You girls are such a huge part of why I love life & truly are
friends worth having.

Alright, now that I'm sure a few of you (& myself) are crying (so much for not getting too sappy!) it's time for a few laughs!

the list..

SuMmEr 2oO5

June 1st
1. "i'LL bE tHe 'dVd' tHiS WeEk.."-aLiCiA
2. "WhY wOuLd yOu NaMe yOuR KiD 'ArEtHa'...iT sOuNdS LiKe 'EuReThRa'..."-DaViD
3. StEpH & JeNnY dAnCiNg uP oN tHe bAr @ HaMmErjAx..
4. StEpH lOOsiN hEr pHoNe, HiTTiN StEpHeN's WiNdOw & ScReaMiN "StePhEn, I'm YoU!"
5. HaMmErJaXiN' iT eVeRy WeDnEsDay.. tHe BeGiNniNg
JuNe 3rD
1. LiNdZ, sTePh, & aLi... aPpLeBeE's, sTePh pLaYs mAtChMaKeR aNd eMbArRaSsEd aLi... iN a GoOd wAy!
2. sTuFfiNg tHe CoRnHoLe iNtO tHe VaN aNd TaKiNg iT tO dReW's w/ tHe dOoR oPeN tHe wHoLe RiDe
3. "tHeY mAdE mE dO a WaTeRFaLL... dO u KnOw wHaT tHaT iS?" -StEpH
JuNe 4tH
1. StEPhEn'S gRAd. PaRTy = fLiPCuP, bEErPoNg, & tOnS of FuN!
2. StEpH tHrOwiN' uP tHe bEeR sHe JuSt dRaNk aFtEr 4 rOuNdS oF fLiP cUp.. hAhA
3. OfF tO ZaCh's 21St bDaY PaRtY
4. pLaYiN tHunDeRStRuCk W- sCaMMaHoRN
5. ZaCh's MoM's BeAnDiP iS ThE bEsT!! We DEF. ChOwEd dOwN oN tHAt!
6. jEnNy iN tHe bAcK oF the CaR gOiN cRaZy! haha We gOt PiCs tO pRoVe iT.. GATORADE!
7. StEpHeN KiSsiNg aLL oF uS... eXcEpT kC! AnD PuLLiNg dOwN oR uP oN aLL oUr cLoThEs!
8. LiStEniNg tO tHe oLdiEs... oUr NeW fAv!
JuNe 8tH
1. HaMmErJaCkS OnCe AgAiN... aLi & dQ iN tHe aLLy aLmOsT gOt HiT bY wAtErBaLoOnS!!
2. AnThOnY... iF We HaD SeX, u wOuLd hAvE sLePt w/ 2 SiStErS... bUt wE wOuLd NeVeR dO ThAt! I wOuLd NeVeR hAvE sEx w/ U!

JuNe 1OtH
4. aLiCiA & StEpH SiNgiN "tOtAl eCLiPsE oF tHe hEaRt<3">
JuNe 11tH
1. "StEpH, i JuSt CaNt gEt OvEr thAt giRl, sHe's NoT fRoM tHe U.S."- CaSeY
2. "CaSeY PaRtY-fOuL!" -StEpH (CaSeY GeTTiN DrUnK fOr tHe 1St TiMe EVER!
3. iT'S aBoUt tO bE a WHAT! GiRLFiGhT!
4. "ThESe aRe sMaLLs...ShE gAvE mE fReaKiN sMaLLs"- CaSeY
5. "StEPh, I JuSt ThReW uP TwiCe"- aLi
"WeLL mAyBe YoU sHoULd gO brUsH yOuR tEEtH"- StEpH
"No...i'LL jUsT dRiNk a BeEr"- aLi
7. StEpH aBoUt gEtTiNg mOLeStEd bY tHe WaLkiNg STD... bEtTeR kNoWn aS TaNnEr..
8. "LeT'S gO tO tHe RoSe!!!!"- aLiCiA
9. RyAn PhiLLiPs SaVeS tHe DaY
10. SaVe A HoRSe..RiDe JeFF! (aLiCiA)
11. jUsT a LiL BiT..HuH StEPh
12 "i JuSt MaDe oUt W- LuKe'S cOuSiN"- aLiCiA
14. "SoRRy I hAVe tO lEaVe YoU NoW..."-KC
"WhAt AbOuT oUr ShOTs?"-StEpH
15. aLi KiCkin StEpH oUt oF hEr Bed...tO gEt In BeD w- AnOthEr GuY...((LuKe'S CuZ))..ThEn HeR MoM wALkiN iN oN tHeM..LuCkiLy NOTHIN WaS gOiN oN...
16. KC OutsiDe w- TeDDy...tHeN hER tRyiN tO gEt bAcK iNtO tHe hOuSe...aNd aLiCiA gEttiN piSSeD..aNd ScReAmiN
17. aLiCiA & CaSeY MaKiN uP LiKe 5 MiNuTeS LaTeR
18. StEpH & CaSeY CliMbiN OuT oF tHe WiNdOw
19. StEPh & CaSeY DriViN aLL tHe WaY tO McDoNaLdS iN MBuRG fOr McChiCkEn's At 5:00 iN tHE moRn. eXcEpT thEy StArT SeRViN bReaKfAsT aT 4!
JuNe 15tH
1. aLiCiA tOtaLLy tRAsHeD:) No LoNgEr a BaR dAnCiN' ViRgiN! LoL
2. Kc & StEpH uP oN tHe BaR ... yEaH SoBeR.. hAhA
3. gOiN aRoUnD gEtTiN' hAmMeRjAx mOnEy & lOsiN' tHe CoNtEsT bY 5 bUcKs!!!
JuNe 17tH
7. Kc & StEpH iN KrOgEr WiTh 'BoB' & hiM KnOcKiNg oVeR a WhOLe CaSe oF MiKe'S HaRd LeMoNaDe.. HeY @ LeAsT hE bOuGhT uS sOmE aLcOhOL.. haha
JuNe 18tH
1. SnO... wOrKiN' HaRd & MaKiN' tHe MoNeY!
2. aLi & CaSeY, wHo'S dRiViNg ToNiTe? WeLL... wHo'S dRiNkiNg?
3. CoRnHoLe... wE sUcK!
4. "CaSeY, wE hAvE tO Go... hE's gOiNg tO pAy oUr WaY... iT's a OnCe iN a LiFeTiMe tHiNg" - aLi
5. aLi lOvEs SpArKs!!! :) yUmMy!
6. RoSe FuN... tWo WeEkS iN a RoW!
JuNe 19tH
1. "CaSeY tHaT's a pArTy fOuL #38" -StEpH
"CaSeY tHaT's #39"- JeN
2. "bErNiE sToP!" -StEpH talkin to RoCkY lol
3. "I tHiNk I jUsT pEeD mY PaNtS" -CaSeY
4. THUNDER... DaDaDaDaDa! WhO's TuRn iS iT aNyWaYs?!?
5. "aArOn... uR HoTt!" -StEpH
6. "dO yOu HeAr tHiS cAsEy?" -StEpH... tHeN sHe pLaYeD GIRLFIGHT! hAhA
7. "iT's TiMe tO tAkE a PiCtUrE oF AnOtHeR dOg dRiNkInG bEeR... StEpH?!?" -CaSeY
8. "YoU wAnNa SeE aN UgLy PiCtUrE... LoOk At tHiS!" -StEpH tHeN sHoWs CaSeY a PiCtUrE oF hErSeLf (kC)
9. "OHH sToP LiCkiNg mY HoLeS!" -jEnNy (tO RoCkY)
10. "I CaN't dRiNk ThAt... tHaT iS LiKe dRiNkiNg kOoL-AiD." -JeN
"tHaT's tHe wHoLe FuCkiNg pOiNt" - kC
11. "tHaT's MiNe" -StEpH to aLi, aFtEr ShE gRaBbEd StEpH's dRiNk iNsTeAd oF hEr OwN
12. "LeT's WaSh ThE dOg... LiKe RiGhT nOw!" -StEpH
13. "I cAn'T gEt Up JeNnY... I rEaLLy CaN't GeT uP!!" -kC
14. "RoCkY, GeT oFf HiS RoCkEt! I tHiNk yOuR dOg iS a LeSbiAn. hE's A DrAg QuEeN!" -StEpH
JuNe 22Nd
1. iT'S WeD. sO tHaT MeAnS HAMMERJAX!!
2. kC, jEn, & LiNdZ MiKe hAd An AwESoMe tiMe!
3. kC & jEn DaNCiN oN tHe BaR! We MiSsEd Ya Up tHeRe StEpH!

JuNe 23rD
1. StEph, Kc, & JeN gO oVeR tO LiNdZ & gEt iN the hOt tUb
2. aLiCia cALLed & wAs CoMpLaiNin bOuT HoW eArLy sHe haD tO gEt uP sO wE DiDn'T iNViTE hEr oVeR! SoRRy aLi..WoRk SuCkS!
3. hEaDeD oVeR tO AaRoN'S fOr SoMe GoOd oL' CrYStaL LiGhT & hUnG OuT tHeRe fOr a WhiLe
4. wEnT baCk tO LiNdZ' & wAtcHed 'CuRSeD' tHeN fELL aSLeEp
JuNe 24tH
1. J. aLeXaNdEr'S... aLiCiA & Kc'S fiRsT TiMe..;)
2. *BeWiTcHeD*..
3. WeS's PaRtY... iS tHaT a gRaNdmA pLaYiNg BeEr PoNg?!
4. cLaSsEs oF '02-'06 uNiTe!
5. hMmM... aRe We JuSt StAnDiNg hErE TaLkiNg tO EaCh oThEr?
6. AcE VeNtUrA... dO nOt Go iN tHeRe.. WhEw!
7. JeNnY & StEpH rEtUrN tO WeS' tO fiNd dReW WiTh hiS sHiRt oFf & gOiNg oN a RaMpAgE..
8. CaRriE sCaRiNg tHe CrAp OuttA StEpH & JeNnY WhEn sHe WeNt PsYcO oN aShLeY dOnsOn..
JuNe 25tH
1. FiGhT NiTe @ aLi's
2. aLiCia GeTTiN' DrUnK aNd HiTTiN On tHe jOsH gUy
3. aLiCia wEnT tO tHe RoSe aGaiN...FoR aNoThEr FrEe DrUnKeN fUn NiTe.
JuNe 26tH
1. kC & aLi gO SwiMMiN aT pHiLs..tHaNkS fOr InViTin Us ;)

JuNe 27tH
1. JoSh'S uNcLe'S
2. "ThErE's a FrEaKiN' LiViNg RoOm iN ThEiR bEdRoOm" -StEpH
3. "LeT's tAkE tHe BoAt oUt oN tHe PoNd"- LiNdZ
4. EwW... ThE dOg sMeLLs LiKe SkUnK.
5. "IdiOt... YoU DiDn'T sAy ThAt DiD yOu?" -StEpH to aLi
JuNe 28tH
1. rEaL wOrLd NiGhT @ StEpH's.
2. aLiCiA, JeN, & kC hEaD tO aArOn'S tO wAtcH HiTcH..
3. CrYsTaL LiGhT oFcOuRsE..
4. DuStiN LeAvEs... kC tUrNs oFf mOviE!!
JuNe 3OtH
1. aLi LeAvEs fOr tHe LaKe..
2. JeN & StEpH pLaY pOkEr WiTh tHe gUys @ dReW's
3. wE aLmOsT diEd fRoM tHe tHuNdErStOrM!!
JuLy 2nD
1. dReW's pArTy..
2. LoTs oF LiTtLe GiRLs oF cOuRsE..
3. JeNnY tRiEs dOiNg a KeG StAnD & fOrgeTs tHaT sHe hAs tO hOLd hErSeLf uP WitH hEr HaNdS & faLLs fLaT oN hEr fAcE!
4. JeNnY gEtS PiSsY dRuNk & tRiEs tO KiLL StACeY wArD..[[sLuT]]
5. JeNnY gEtS mAd @ dOnNiE & LiKe a bAd GiRL dRiVeS hErSeLf hOmE dRuNk!! BAD BAD BAD!!!!!
JuLy 4tH
1. We aLL sPeNt iT aPaRt frOm eAcH oThEr..
2. aLiCiA & sTePh TaLk oN tHe pHoNe MiSsiNg eAcH OtHeR & a NiCe bOyfRiEnD tO WaTcH fiReWoRkS WiTh:) hEhE
JuLy 7tH
1. aLiCiA & sTePh cOoK-OuT bEfOrE tHe rEsT oF ThE GiRLs cOmE fOr GiRLs NiGhT:)
2. kC cOmEs hOmE fRoM MyRtLe bEaCh..YaY!
3. We'LL fiLL iN tHe rEsT LaTeR:)
4. RoSe NiGhT LoL... rYaN pHiLLiPs BrO's HoUsE
JuLy 8tH
1. GnO iN BrAnD's JeEp... StArBuCkS, ChUmPs, & kC's
2. JiBbEriSh... sUpLa MuYsA VaGoLeSa.. WhAt ArE tHeY SaYiNg?
3. "CaN wE SiT oN tHe PaTiO?" -aLi
"No" -HoStTeSs BiAtCh
"WhAt ArE wE dOiN?" -StEpH
"WeLL sHe'S bEiN' a BiTcH... sO i DuNo" -aLi
4. jEnNy tO Kc--"wHy dO PpL wEaR SoCKS w- SaNdeLs?"
StEpH tO LiNdZ--"i jUsT dOn'T gEt WhY pPL wEaR SoCkS w- SaNdeLs"
5. "DiBs On SiTtiNg BiTcH" -aLi
"wHo CaLLs DiBs On ThAt?" -JeN or Kc (i don't remember)
6. "hER NiPPLeS wErE LiKe iN hEr CheSt"-jEnNy
"rEaLLy? MiNe ArEn'T LiKe tHaT aT aLL"-StEpH
7. "I LiKe yOuR BiBs!"-aLi tO oLd gUy At SuNoCo
8. TrAmPoLiNe
9. SpOoNs & SmOrEs
JuLy 9tH
1. DrEw'S... RaNdOm NigHt..FiNaLLy SaW StAciE...It'S bEEn LiKe a YeAr!
2. aLi @ HeR cOuSiN's & bRiAn'S
JuLy 11tH
1. pOoL, ChUmPs, StArBuCkS, & dRiVe iN
2. iS tHiS eLiMiDaTe?!
3. StArBuCkS iS tHe pLaCe tO Be
4. aLi bEiN' a ChEaP aSs & gEtTiN' iN tHe TrUnK... aLL fOr A fReE MoViE

JuLy 12tH
1. ReAL wOrLd At KC's
2. EvErYOnE's GoEs tO bEd 'CePt StEpH & jEnNy
3. sTePh & jEnNy dEciDe tO gO tO BiLLaRds tO mEEt uP w- DoNNiE & dAvE
4. TiM HoRtOn'S=FrEE FoOd oN tUeS & tHurS!
5. "CiNNabRoW"-jEn...wHo KnOwS..LoNg SToRy!
6. wE WeReN't gOiN hOmE aT 11:30 sO wE DeCiDe tO gO tO MeiJeR!
7. sTePh sToLe a biG iNfLaTaBlE rAfT tHeN rAn tO mY cAr..Def. CouLdNt gEt jEn's DooRs UnLoCked So ShE tHrEw It oN toP oF tHe cAr...bUt "MeiJeR MaNaGeMeNt" wAlKEd oUt & tHeY gOt ScUrrEd!
8. We'Re GoiN fLoAtiN dOwN tHe RiVeR! haha!
9. "I LiKe DaNNy'S aCCeNt...i WaNNa gO tO tHe BaRRR iN My CaRRR"-StEpH
July 13th
1. HaMMeRJaX w- tHe GiRlS!
2. VV ReuNioN..uS GiRlS DaNCiN oN ThE BaR!
3. jEn gEtS cALLed a 'CraZy BiTCh'...hMm
4. aLiCia dRaGs sTePh tO DeNNy'S to SeE JeFF & hiS aNnOyiN tWiN BrO.
July 14th
1. jEn & StEph dECiDe tO gO tO StEphEn'S fOr a BiT
2. ChuCk jUst hAppEnS to CoMe OvEr! oH loRd
3. sO hE DeF. WoUlDnt StOp HiTTiN oN StEpH!
4. StEpH tRiEs SoMeThiNg fOr thE fiRsT tiMe...CePt She ActUaLLy DoeS iT RiGhT! haha
5. MeYeRs DeF. fELl FlaT oN hiS noSe!
July 15th
1. StEpHen'S w- ThE GiRlS + oLiVeR
2. jEn & aLi sUCk @ bEEr pOnG
3. EvErYoNe HeaDed tO WeS's
4. 'hEy LoOk @ oUr NoSe RiNgS'--wE DeF. USeD tHe gEMs fRoM JeN's pHoNe
5. FuN NiGhT I GuESS!
July 19th
1. StEpH wAtCheS ReaL wOrLd/aLiCia & jEnNy gO tO TJ cHuMpS to HaNg oUt w- sOmE MBuRg GuYs
2. aFtEr ChuMpS, tHe GiRlS foLLoW thE gUyS to bRiAn's HoUsE tO dRiNk SoMe BeEr!
3. tHeY pLaYeD NuMbErS & wAtChEd SoMe DrUnk kiD mAkE a CoMpLeTe aSs oUtTa HiMSeLf
4. "i'M gOiN aLL iN, i'M gOiN aLL iN"-hE thOuGhT wE WeRe plaYiN pOKeR..hE waS MaD haha
5. sTePh leFt--jEn, aLi, & LiNdZ sTaYed @ BriAn's..wE dAnCeD tO SoMe OlD sKoOl..hah

July 20th
1. HaMMeRjaX w- ThE giRlS!
2. sO wE DeF. gOt WriSt BaNdS bAbY! wE LoVe oLdEr GuYs!
3. "MaN, tHaT HaiRy niPPLe MaDe Me SiCK!"-StEPh aFtEr ShE DraNk a 'BuTTeRy NiPPLe
4. "i'M gOnNa TeAsE hiM sO mUch, bUt I aiN't No HoEbaG!" -aLiCia
5. aLiCia GeTs WaStEd & PiSseS jEn oFf--> "aLiCia yoU aRe iN nO StAtE tO dRiVe hoMe"-jEn
"i'M FiNe!"-aLi
aLi wHiSpErS tO StEpH "dOnT LeT hEr tAkE My KeYs!"
6. OuR MoTTo: 'i AiN't No HoE, I'm JuSt a BaDAsS BiTCh'

July 22nd
1. LiNdZ' M. pArTy! jEn & aLi gEt PrETty DruNk
2. StEpH, KC, & LiNdZ gO SeE a MoViE w- RoN
2. StEpH & aLi haD tO gO PiCk uP sOmE DrUnKaSSeS fRom ThE PoLiCe StAtiOn
3. aLi dRaGS StEpH to BRiAn'S hOuSe..aNd aLi StAys tHe niGht

July 23rd
1. jEn & aLi gO tO caRLiSLe tO haNg ouT w- aNDy & sOme otHeR PPl
2. wE HuNg Out W- SoMe DiFF. PPL sO iT wAS a GoOdtiMe
July 25th
1. LAGUNA BEACH 2nd Season Starts! Oh yeA!
2. the GiRlS cOme To StEphs tO waTCh iT!
3. tHiS SeaSoN iS gOiNg tO bE sO aMaZing!
4. jEn & StEph gOoF oFF tAkiN PiCtUrEs!

Oh gosh, we are huge dorks that's all I have to say! :)
In the spirit of Christmas, I thought I'd put some pictures up from our past Girls' Chistmas!

Christmas 2004

Christmas 2005

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2008

& many, many more Christmas photos to come!! :)